Continuing Education for Yoga Professionals
Not only does Body Temple Physical Therapy help students, we provide continuing education for yoga professionals.
We Are Approved
Continuing Education Providers
for Yoga Alliance Yoga Teachers (YACEP)
Our Course: Cultivating a Sustainable Core
Is Approved Professional
Development for
Yoga Therapists –
International Association of Yoga Therapists
(C-IAYT APD Course)
Cultivating a Sustainable Core
Live Course, Online
Oops, sorry you missed the live version September 6th and 13th, 2019. We are currently processing the video to make it available on demand. Click here for more information and to sign up receive notification when it’s released.
Prevent Injuries and Improve Performance by Combining Physical Therapy, Sports Medicine, Yoga, and Strength and Conditioning Principles.
What is the Core? It is much more than the abdominal muscles. Discover your physical and energetic center while learning how to move more efficiently in this workshop. We will review and discuss core anatomy, applied pranayama (efficient breathing), and spinal alignment through the combined lenses of a yoga therapist, physical therapist, athletic trainer, and strength and conditioning specialist.
You will experience learning through lecture, movement, and self-inquiry. Beginners and experienced teachers/therapists alike are welcome.
Want a 7 minute sample of our online offerings? Purchase our lunch pranayama video HERE:
Purchase a 7-minute sample course:
This lunch pranayama video includes:
- Bony Core Concept
- In the literature: A Word about Posture and Why Alignment Matters
- Intro to Anatomy and Physiology of Breathing
- Introduction to Thoraco-Diaphragmatic Breathing (with instructions for home practice)
All in just a 7 minute mind and body snack break you can do at lunch!
Includes a downloadable file of the slides with cited references.______________________________________________________________________________________
What are people saying about the recent core workshops?
Thanks so much for such a helpful workshop. It exceeded my expectations and I feel that I have a much better sense for what is going on in my body. (I can finally put all of the pieces together!). -RP
After attending Liz’s core workshop I was very aware of my abdominal muscles. You may know that sensation. Where you could be occupying yourself washing dishes or reading a book, but you’re still reminded, “I have abdominal muscles!” It turns out your “core” is made up of many more things than just those muscles covering your stomach. This one of many things I learned through this content packed workshop.
Maybe you’ve done a yoga workshop, perhaps a Pilates class or had session with a personal trainer? Liz is offering something wholly unique in the overcrowded ecosystem of self-improvement. Check the credentials! I did. She has so many letters after her name I had to google them. Seriously. This woman is synthesizing her experience studying cutting-edge western health disciplines and ancient eastern systems of medicine to bring us a workshop that integrates it all together.Part scientist, part alchemist Liz has the exceptional ability to generate many an “Aha!” moment from attendees. Worth its weight in gold!-GN
Ongoing Continuing Education for:
- Licensed Physical Therapists,
- Licensed Occupational Therapists and
- Certified / Licensed Athletic Trainers:
Yoga Therapeutics to Cultivate a Sustainable Core and
Cultivating a Sustainable Care Part II are AVAILABLE for credit now for Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Certified Athletic Trainers
Please register here.
Scroll down for more information below.
Continuing Education
Our courses are approved and available for Licensed Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Athletic Trainers at

Liz teaching at a past Chakra and Fascia Workshop
Chakras, Fascia, and Sound Healing Workshop
Discover and experience the deep healing that comes from the subtle vibrations within our own bodies and from the Universe. This workshop focuses on activating the Chakras by combining lecture, gentle yoga practice, and sound healing facilitated through special crystal bowls and healing sound vibrations. The lecture combines ancient wisdom from Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as the latest scientific research on muscle and fascia anatomy, neurotransmitters, and healing resonances. The sound healing will be performed by Robert Hamaker, a professional symphonic percussionist who has dedicated his skills to promoting chakra alignment. The lecture and yoga practice will be presented and guided by seasoned physical therapist and yogini, Liz Duncanson, of Body Temple Physical Therapy in Oakland, with over 20 years of experience in the healing arts and sports medicine. 4 hours.
Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to be the first to know about our next workshop offering.